Top Family Lawyers Sydney
We are the top Rated family lawyers Sydney for a reason.
How can our top Family Lawyers Sydney help you?
Our top family lawyers sydney can assist you with all important parts of your family law issue.
Optimum Lawyers can provide assistance for a range of matters relating to family law and de facto relationships including:
- Marriage, De Facto and Divorce Law
- Prenuptial agreements (prenups)
- Divorce in Australia including preparing and serving divorce papers
- Legal separation issues
- Annulment of marriages
- Spousal maintenance
- Property settlements
- Binding Financial Agreements
- Domestic and family violence and apprehended violence orders (AVOs)
- Family Mediation
- Legal aid for family law matters
- Advice in regard to building contracts
- Legal representation at Family Court
- Children’s issues
- Child support enforcement of payments
- Parenting plans for child custody & visitation
- Parental rights, father’s rights and grandparent’s rights
- Guardianship of children
- Adoption
- Children’s Court
A lot of people who are going through family law problems only hire top lawyers Sydney when it is too late for the lawyer to be able to get the best possible outcome. While it can sometimes be beneficial to negotiate terms with the other party on your own, this regularly leads to loss of your rights, assets and even children.
This simply occurs a lot of the time because the party does not have knoweldge of the legal requirements and rights under their state. This can lead to cancelled serious consequences and trauma to all parties involved.
Instead of trying to navigate family law on your own, you should consult reputable top family lawyers sydney early in the process to ensure your legal rights are protected. This will set you on good footing and enable you to have the best advise possible so you can work through the family law matter with the other parties.
If you fail to reach agreement about assets, children, property or otherwise, we are known as the top family lawyers Sydney for a reason. We have a ethical tried-and-true process to work through your family law issues with the aim of reducing stress, trauma and cost in your matter. We are renowned for settling matters without the need for court with our experienced top family lawyers Sydney.
It costs you nothing to see where you stand. Contact our team of top family lawyers for a free consultation.
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