Commercial / Business Law Case Studies
Experience. Creativity. Results.
– Case Description
Commercial Lease: Successful Lease Termination to Avoid Paying Out Entire Lease
Our client leased a commercial premises and had signed a 5 years lease. After 2 years of trading, our client’s business was not doing well and started to lose lots of money and could not afford to pay the lease.
Effective Communication with all parties
Expert Contract Analysis
Expert Legal Documentation to clearly state our clients case
Removed legal jargon from contracts to enable all parties to confidently agree
Final Result
We successfully managed to negotiate the termination of the commercial lease with the landlord in favour of our client. Our client expected to pay the lease for the full duration of the 5 year term which would have bankrupt our client, but with our committed and experienced team, we not only successfully terminated the lease, but also successfully avoided our client having to pay out the remainder of the 5 year lease.
All this was achieved out of court to drastically reduce our clients costs. This outstanding outcome was achieved by using our skills and experience to reach a satisfactory outcome to our client in a very cost effective way.
Legal Costs Saved
Years Saved
– Case Description
Employment Law: Avoided Damages Costs & Successfully Paid Entitlements.
Our client’s employment was terminated and was sued by the employer for breach of the confidentiality clause in the employment agreement. The employer refused to pay our client’s work entitlements and insisted on obtaining costs orders against our client.
Research Specific Case Law
Clearly Document Specific Infringements Based on Legal Research
Skilled mediation strategies
Reduced legal costs process
Final Result
We successfully managed to negotiate a settlement in favour of our client without the employer obtaining a costs order against our client. Our client expected to pay massive damages and costs to the employer and forgoing his work entitled, but with our committed and experienced team, we not only succeeded to waive the damages and costs against our client, but also successfully obtained his work entitlements and avoided court to drastically reduce our clients costs.
This outstanding outcome was achieved by using our skills and experience to reach a satisfactory outcome to our client in a very cost effective way.
Legal Fees Saved
Payout ($)
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